As the COVID pandemic continues, many of us are beginning to go back to some of our regular activities with caution. Schools, churches, movie theaters, and gyms have been opening at varying speeds across the country, and depending on where you are in the nation, the way your town or city is operating can be wildly different from another.

Here in Chicago, some of the strictest measures in the country have been in place. But with the help of vaccines getting us closer to herd immunity, a lot of things are going to be opening up in the coming weeks, if they haven’t already.

Moving During the Pandemic

If you are moving anytime soon, you should absolutely consider some safety precautions as you plan your move. Take the following steps to ensure that you and your family remain healthy post moving day.

  1. Plan with your moving company. Make sure you choose a reputable company that is taking COVID precautions seriously. Reebie Allied is continuing to take action during the pandemic to ensure the health and safety of our team and customers.
  2. Maintain your health – as moving day approaches, take extra precautions as you go about your daily life. Limit any risk of exposure that you can so that everyone remains healthy on moving day.
  3. Have excellent sanitizing standards on moving day – offer your moving company workers a sink with hot water and soap to wash their hands. Wear a mask, and request that your moving company workers do as well. Wipe down any high-traffic surfaces with a sanitized cloth throughout the day.

Lastly, be sure to be in contact with your moving company if anyone in your household should fall ill before moving day. They should be able to work with you to reschedule your move if need be.

Stay safe!