With our comprehensive packing guide, Reebie has taken the difficulty of packing and simplified the process. Our room by room packing guide gives you specific tips and instructions on how to expedite the packing of each room. Quality packing is essential for a successful move. With our packing guide, your packing will be as though it was done by experts – even if it you do it yourself.
Whether you choose to pack yourself, have professionals do it or pack part of your residence, learning the best way to pack each room is knowledge that’s good to have. You never know when you may need to pack, and our packing guide is your resource for whenever that time comes.
We break our packing guide down room by room to best explain how all the typical components of that room should be packed. We divide a home by kitchen/laundry room, dining room, living/family/great room, office/den, bedroom/bathroom and garage/hobby room. You can use our information for however few or many of these rooms you have. And don’t forget, if you need short or long-term storage services while you are sorting things out, Reebie can help!
Each room has different requirements in terms of packing. The kitchen may require dishpack and careful packing of china and glassware. The living room/family room may require the stretch wrapping of upholstered furniture and packing of fragile electronics and breakables. The bedrooms may require packing of larger, lighter items such as pillows, bedspreads and clothing. As each room has different packing needs, our packing guide takes these into consideration to develop the best plan of action.
We developed this packing guide to help you pack up your belongings properly. Instead of haphazardly throwing things into boxes, take the time to look at the packing guide and get organized. The most successful moves are those that are organized, and organization starts with packing.