As our nation and the world continue to grapple with the evolving pandemic crisis, at Reebie, we are taking a very strong approach to ensuring the health and safety of our crew and customers. We are taking every precaution necessary to prevent the spread of the illness in our community. As an Allied agent, we are adhering to all of their protocols, and then some.


Allied Health & Safety Measures

  • No-contact – All Allied personnel have been instructed to avoid all personal contact, including handshakes and elbow bumps. We will greet you with a no-contact smile!
  • Online, video & virtual estimates – ask your local Allied agent what technological options there are to get your estimate, while still maintaining social distancing.
  • Fresh & clean supplies – use new moving supplies such as boxes and tape. While we usually recommend reusing and recycling materials – now is not the time!
  • Germ-free moves by germ-free movers – all movers have been instructed to wash their hands as much as possible. On moving day, please provide movers access to a sink with soap and paper towels if possible. If not possible, please provide hand sanitizer.
  • Rescheduling is easy – if anyone in your household is experiencing symptoms, or is isolating for any reason, we will work with you to reschedule.


Reebie Moving & Storage is Here for You

Beyond the measures taken by Allied and all Allied agents in the business, at Reebie we have enacted some extra protocols to ensure the health and safety of our staff. Those practices include:

  • Providing staff with protective masks
  • Providing staff with sanitary wipes
  • Taking the temperatures of all crew members


While this very uncertain time is posing many challenges across many lives and sectors, at Reebie we are taking every precaution to be able to provide you with needed moving and storage services. Please contact us with any questions you may have at 1-844-473-3243.

COVID-19 Consumer Guidance Infographic (3_20_20)